Safety Templates

Safety protocols and standard operating procedures (SOPs) that can serve as templates.
The following is a list of the key safety protocols and standard operating procedures (SOPs) Caring for Miami in Palmetto Bay, Florida developed:
The following is a list of the key safety protocols and Eye Thrive in St. Louis, Missouri developed:
- Summer Visit Setup Break Down Protocol
- Pretest Protocol
- School Visits Setup Breakdown
- Staggered Closing Process Protocol (Millwell)
- MVC Fire Evacuation Protocol
- MVC Medical Emergency Protocol
- Physical Disturbance and Conflict Resolution Protocol
- MVC Passenger Protocol
- MVC Repair Protocol
- MVC Equipment Storage Protocol
- MVC Equipment Repair Protocol
- Fire Emergency Exit Strategy Protocol (Millwell)
- Inclement Weather Protocol
- Bodily Fluid and Hazardous Waste Disposal Protocol
- Injury Incident Report Form
- Lockdown Protocol for MVC