Positioning, Partnering, Pivoting – Leveraging Community Partnerships to Revitalize a Mobile Program


Mobile Medical Programs (MMP) have long been used to address healthcare gaps in under-resourced communities, including during crises. The Children’s National MMP, serving the community since 2000, faced a sharp decline in visit volumes due to staffing, leadership turnover, and weakening community partnerships, putting the program at risk before the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the pandemic presented an opportunity to revitalize the program by conducting a SWOT analysis and leveraging partnerships with local organizations to launch drive-up/walk-up immunization clinics. These efforts expanded the program’s scope to include comprehensive pediatric care and services for newly arrived immigrant children. Since 2020, the program has seen a steady increase in visits, with 4,538 visits and 5,994 immunizations compared to only 550 patients served from 2017-2019. Partner feedback shows strong relationships, though areas for improvement include data sharing and funding workflows.

Hope Rhodes, MD, MPH, FAAP, Medical Director Children’s Health Center – THEARC/Mobile Medical Program, Children’s National Hospital

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