Integrating Primary Care for Post-Partum Patients to Address

In 2020, maternal deaths in the United States number about 650 to 750 annually. Severe maternal morbidity affects approximately 50,000 to 60,000 women each year, and the numbers are increasing. Management of pre-existing conditions, and the access to primary care can prevent death during pregnancy. Established in1993, Wellness on Wheels (WOW) mobile health clinic was created to improve access to care to women residing in Central Ohio, in an effort to address the crisis of infant and maternal mortality in the city of Columbus. Maternal and infant mortality has proven to be a crisis in our nation as well as the state of Ohio. For twenty-nine years, Wellness on Wheels has provided a comprehensive approach to Woman’s Health services in zip codes of the city identified as “Celebrate One neighborhoods”, where the infant mortality rate is three times higher than county, state and national averages. In 2017, Wellness on Wheels expanded services to Primary Care. This expansion of services was made possible through a philanthropic partnership. WOW Primary Care service was implemented to provide access to a community with a known shortage of primary care physicians in medically underserved urban neighborhoods. WOW Woman’s Health staff noticed an increasing number of patients experiencing chronic disease diagnoses such as hypertension, diabetes, thyroid disorders, and mental health needs, additionally, the patients did not have an established primary care physician. Recognizing the importance of management of pre-existing health conditions and the impact on maternal morbidity, in 2018, Wellness on Wheels Woman’s Health and the Primary Care teams began integrating services.