Health and Human Trafficking: How Mobile Clinics Help Exploited People Heal

The Problem: Human trafficking and exploitation (HTEx) is a complex social issue that negatively impacts the most vulnerable and marginalized people in our communities. Because of its detrimental effect on health, 85% of people try to access healthcare during human trafficking, but only 6% of health professionals report taking care of a trafficked person. Mobile clinics are a critical access point for many people experiencing exploitation. Mobile clinics are also uniquely positioned to make a serious difference for exploited people, but most health care workers are missing opportunities to help these people heal. HealEx Solution: Since 2018, HealEx has been piloting and developing a mobile clinic in Salt Lake City, Utah that specifically serves trafficked people during their exploitation. Through engaging people in their physical healing in a mobile clinic, our program finds people who are very difficult to access, develops trust with them, and improves their self-worth enough to exit exploitation and live a happy, healthy life. Purpose of the Presentation: The purpose of this session is not to promote HealEx consulting, nor is it to convince participants to replicate HealEx programs. The purpose is to use learnings from HealEx programs to share with others working in mobile clinics around the nation, so that they will be able to learn from our experiences and improve their response to human trafficking and exploitation. In the process, this presentation aims to de-mistify human trafficking and exploitation and help participants see more clearly that many of their patients are at risk for this social issue, but it is not out of their scope to engage these patients in their healing just like anyone else they work with. HealEx has provided care to hundreds of exploited people via mobile medical programs across 7 different countries and cultures. Because of this concentrated effort we have gained specialized learning that we can now share with others working in mobile healthcare to prepare them to better recognize and work with exploited people in whatever specialty they work in. Learning Objectives: · Learn how to recognize and serve exploited and trafficked people through your mobile clinic program. · Gain new ideas for how to innovate your current programming to help exploited people heal. · Learn who to collaborate with, why, and how so that your program is better positioned to serve trafficked people in your community.
Drew Pierce, Executive Director, PA-C, HealEx