Additional Grant Opportunities

The Mobile Healthcare Association knows how important funding is for its members and their mobile programs. As a resource for the mobile healthcare movement, the Association has compiled available grants and funding opportunities in one location. *If you know of a grant opportunity that is not listed here, send it to to be added.
Health Equity Fund Demonstration Projects
Provided by: Greater Washington Community Foundation
Amount: $5,000 – $25,000
Eligibility: 501C3 organizations implementing programs in the District of Columbia
Description: Supports projects with two or more partner organizations working collaboratively in a new and targeted way to implement economic mobility models that increase strategic economic participation and build community wealth for people and communities with the greatest economic and health disparities. Click here to learn more.
Due Date: Rolling through March 2026
Motorola Solutions Foundation Grants
Provider: Motorola Solutions
Amount: Up to $50,000
Eligibility: Nonprofits in priority locations: Baltimore Area, MD; Boston, MA; Chicagoland, IL; Dallas Area, TX; Salt Lake City, UT; South Florida, FL; S. California, CA; Vancouver, BC; Westminster, CO
Description: Supports first responder programming, including leadership development and training opportunities for underrepresented first responders; mental wellness and stress management; wellness and scholarship support to families of fallen first responders; safety preparedness and response training to schools, adults, students, and first responders; safety and disaster preparedness training for the public. Click here to learn more.
Letter of Inquiry due January 23, 2025. Full application due April 15, 2025
Texas Blue Impact Grants
Provider: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas
Region: Texas
Eligibility: 501(c)(3) community, business and provider organizations.
Amount: Between $25,000 – $75,000.
Description: Mission of expanding access to care through one of the five following community support pillars: Economic Opportunity and Stability; Nutrition; Neighborhood & Built Environment; Locally Defined Health Solutions and Human Service Needs; Optimal Health Outcome specifically around six priority areas: immunizations; diabetes care; cardiovascular care; behavioral health; early detection cancer screening and maternal & infant health. Click here to learn more.
Application Deadline: Feb 10, 2025 for required Letter of Intent. Mar 28, 2025 application deadline
Beyond Type 1 Innovation Grants
Provider: Beyond Type 1
Regions: Atlanta, GA; Chicago, IL; Detroit, MI; Dallas, TX; Denver, CO; New York, NY; New Jersey; Los Angeles, CA; Miami, FL; Tampa, FL; Washington, DC.
Eligibility: Community-Based Organizations (CBOs), Faith-Based Organizations, Federally
Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs), Mobile Clinics, Telehealth Service Providers.
Amount: Up to $40,000.
Description: Funding to support organizations implementing mobile health access to bring diabetes care, prevention, early screening, and/or education directly to communities. They are also particularly interested in initiatives that are eager to expand their impact by incorporating type 1 diabetes screenings; that wish to leverage cutting-edge technology and other devices; and/or wish to enhance diabetes management and accessibility. Click here to learn more.
Application Deadline: March 10, 2025.
Mental Health Service Expansion & Workforce Development Grant
Provider: San Diego Foundation
Region: San Diego County
Eligibility: 501(c)(3) nonprofit
Amount: Up to $50,000 per proposal
Description: Healthy Children & Families Initiative funding service providers advancing access to mental/behavioral and early relational health services for families and kids. Projects must work to expand care for low-to-moderate-income communities and/or populations experiencing health disparities. Projects must be completed within a 12-month timeline. Click here to learn more.
Application Deadline: March 28, 2025
The 2025 Spring Grant Cycle – Fred C. and Katherine B. Andersen Foundation
Provider: Fred C. and Katherine B. Andersen Foundation
Region: St. Croix Valley region of Minnesota and Wisconsin.
Eligibility: 501(c)(3) nonprofit
Amount: Various
Description: Funding for community health and stability, helping the underserved and under-resourced, and building healthy strong communities. Click here to learn more.
Application Deadline: March 30, 2025
Building Capacity for Health Advocacy
Provider: Rx Foundation
Region: National
Eligibility: 501(c)(3) nonprofits or organizations with a suitable fiscal sponsor, especially those that function as hubs or coalition leaders especially at the state level.
Amount: $150,000 annually for up to five years.
Description: Funding to enhance the capacity and infrastructure of nonprofits that advocate for social justice through improved health and healthcare, and create lasting networks to support advocacy, organizing, and civic engagement on health-related issues. These grants do not support event sponsorship, capital campaigns, service delivery, academic research, or work that is strictly programmatic in nature. Applicant organizations are encouraged to budget a portion of the total award as sub-grants to nonprofit partners or coalition members. Click here to learn more.
Application Deadline: March 31, 2025. Rx Foundation staff are holding LOI Meetings from March 3rd – March 31st to answer questions.
Superior HealthPlan Community & Provider Grant Program
Provider: Superior HealthPlan
Region: Texas
Eligibility: Providers and community organizations located in Texas that serve the Medicaid population.
Amount: $10,000
Description: Funding for providers and community organizations that address Non-Medical Drivers of Health (NMDOH), also known as Social Determinants of Health. Providers must be accepting new patients. Applicants must not have received a Superior HealthPlan grant or sponsorship within the last 12 months. Click here to learn more.
Application Deadline: March 31, 2025
O’Reilly Automotive Foundation
Provider: O’Reilly Auto Parts
Region: Regions that have an O’Reilly Auto Parts business presence (48 states)
Eligibility: 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations
Amount: $10,000-$50,000
Description: Health and social services; disaster relief. Includes mental and behavioral health, access to basic needs such as medical and dental care for underprivileged communities, support for domestic violence victims, relief from emergencies including providing temporary shelter, food, water, and hygiene or sanitation products and cleanup efforts. Click here to learn more.
Application Deadline: March 31, 2025
Kroger Co. Foundation: Zero Hunger | Zero Waste Plan
Provider: Kroger Co. Foundation
Region: National with priority given to Kroger business regions.
Eligibility: 501(c)(3) nonprofits
Amount: Various
Description: They offer Cash Donations (charitable funds to advance positive community impact); Sponsorships (cash support with the purpose of achieving programmatic or commercial objectives; Gift Cards; or Product Donations (in-kind food or product donations) related to disaster relief, health & nutrition and/or hunger relief. Click here to learn more.
Application Deadline: April 4, 2025
HDR Foundation
Provider: HDR, Inc.
Region: National but must be based where HDR has an office.
Amount: $5,000+
Eligibility: 501(c)(3) organizations with a current HDR employee to sponsor them. Employees must be engaged with the organization for at least one year. Applications without an employee sponsor will not be considered.
Description: Funding to support a discrete project — a clearly defined, stand-alone project with a start and end date — culminating in a tangible product or measurable result. The project must align with at least one focus area: education, environmental stewardship, or healthy communities: “With a globally recognized healthcare design practice, we value the importance of healthcare and healthy communities. Promoting healthy living at the community level brings the greatest health benefits to the greatest number of people. We fund grants that address
active lifestyles, wellness education, and preventative healthcare.” Click here to learn more.
Application Deadline: Letters of Intent accepted April 7-24
Rural Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) Planning and Development Grant
Provider: Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) via the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS)
Region: Nationwide and U.S. Territories
Amount: $500,000 per year, 4-year project period.
Eligibility: Higher education institutions, nonprofit organizations, state and county governments, health departments, hospitals, federally qualified health centers, rural health clinics, small businesses, and for-profit organizations.
Description: Funding will support new applicants seeking to become a PACE Program organization in a rural area for the first time OR existing PACE organizations seeking to expand their service area to an HRSA-designated rural area. Applicants must have demonstrated experience serving or the capacity to serve rural aging/elderly populations. For program and eligibility questions, contact Katherine Lloyd at 301.443.2933 or Click here to learn more.
Application Deadline: Apr 17, 2025
California PATH Capacity and Infrastructure Transition, Expansion, and Development (CITED) Initiative
Provider: California Department of Health Care Services
Region: California
Amount: Various.
Eligibility: Enhanced Care Management (ECM) and/or Community Support entities who are actively contracted with a Medi-Cal Managed Care Plan (MCP).
Description: Funding to build the capacity and infrastructure of on-the-ground partners, such as community-based organizations (CBOs), hospitals, county agencies, Tribes, and others, to successfully participate in the Medi-Cal delivery system. Programs can include expanding the provider workforce, staff time and training, and outreach to underserved communities. Click here to learn more.
Application Deadline: May 2, 2025
Centene Foundation 2025 Grant Cycle #1
Provider: Centene Foundation
Region: National
Amount: $10,000 – $500,000. Open to multi-year partnership requests.
Eligibility: 501(c)(3) or Section 170(b) organizations. Requests must meet the giving requirements and criteria for funding.
Description: Funding to support organizations providing healthcare access, social services, and/or education to a.) help meet the needs of people who rely on government-sponsored healthcare and/or b.) address social determinants of health and health equity. Click here to learn more.
Application Deadline: May 31, 2025. Applications open on March 1
The evaluation process is dependent on the complexity and scope of the request and may take up to six months for review.
AJA Foundation
Provider: AJA Foundation
Region: Global
Eligibility: 501(c)(3) nonprofits
Amount: Various
Description: Funding to support medical clinics and other initiatives delivering quality healthcare in developing countries OR underserved regions including prevention, maternal, newborn, and pediatric medicine and treatment of common diseases. Click here to learn more.
Application Deadline: Rolling – The application process starts with a brief Letter of Inquiry.
The Standard’s Corporate Giving Program
Provider: The Standard
Region: National with priority given to Oregon.
Eligibility: 501(c)(3) nonprofits
Amount: $5,000 to $25,000
Description: General operating, program, or capital funding to support organizations promoting healthy communities and/or disability empowerment. Click here to learn more.
Application Deadline: Rolling
Milbank Foundation
Provider: Milbank Foundation
Region: National
Eligibility: 501(c)(3) nonprofits
Amount: Varies
Description: Funding to support consumer-focused, community-based initiatives that empower people with disabilities and foster their independence and self-sufficiency. Particularly focused on organizations serving veterans, seniors, individuals struggling with their mental health and/or substance abuse, or market-oriented, patient-centered health care reforms across the country. Click here to learn more.
Application Deadline: Rolling.
Jay L. Smith Family Foundation
Provider: Jay L. Smith Family Foundation
Region: National
Eligibility: 501(c)(3) nonprofits
Amount: $5,000-$30,000
Description: One-time grants to support Alzheimer’s research and healthcare, cancer research and healthcare, elderly care, suicide prevention and domestic violence prevention. Click here to learn more.
Application Deadline: Rolling.
The Standard’s Corporate Giving Program
Provider: Standard Insurance Company
Region: National with priority given to Oregon.
Eligibility: 501(c)(3) nonprofits
Amount: $5,000 to $25,000
Description: General operating, program, or capital funding to support organizations promoting healthy communities and/or disability empowerment. Click here to learn more.
Application Deadline: Rolling
LabCorp Charitable Foundation
Provider: LabCorp Healthcare Corporation
Amount: Various.
Region: National
Eligibility: 501(c)(3) organizations that provide access to healthcare and patient support services for the underserved and/or ongoing support for medical research, screenings, and programs that promote a healthy lifestyle.
Description: Funding to support health equity and improving healthcare access for all, including at-risk and underserved populations. Especially organizations that remove barriers to care and help individuals navigate their personal health journey. Click here to learn more.
Application Deadline: Rolling
Targeted Technical Assistance for Rural Hospitals Program (TTAP)
Provider: Georgia Southern University Center for Public Health Practice and Research
Region: National
Eligibility: Rural hospitals
Amount: Free technical assistance for two years.
Description: A federally-funded initiative that offers comprehensive technical assistance to rural hospitals to address financial and operational challenges and maintain essential health services for their communities. Click here to learn more.
Application Deadline: Rolling
Hannaford Charitable Foundation
Provider: Hannaford Charitable Foundation
Amount: Varies
Eligibility: Nonprofit organizations in Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, or New York
Description: Support for organizations that provide quality programs focusing on promoting healthy lifestyles and improved care. Click here to learn more.
SBB Research Group Foundation
Provider: SBB Research Group Foundation
Amount: $5,000
Eligibility: 501c3 nonprofits in Massachusetts
Description: Supports ambitious organizations in solving unmet needs with thoughtful, long-term strategies. Click here to learn more.
Application is Rolling
The Whitehorse Foundation
Provider: Seattle Foundation
Amount: $100,000 – $250,000
Eligibility: 501c3 nonprofits serving Snohomish County, Washington
Description: Focus on addressing risk factors early and enabling the conditions that help children, youth, and families to thrive. Click here to learn more.
Submit LOI as a first step; applications rolling
Dogwood Health Trust
Provider: Dogwood Health Trust
Amount: $10,000 – $25,000
Eligibility: 501cs nonprofits or government entities in 19 counties and the Qualla Boundary Region of North Carolina
Description: Supports accessible health ecosystems, including expanding support to safety net providers and addressing gaps in health service systems. Click here to learn more.
Rolling Deadline
Chapman Grant Opportunity
Provided by: Chapman Trust
Amount: $1,000 – $10,000,000
Eligibility: Nonprofit organizations serving Colorado and Oklahoma.
Description: Fund healthcare direct service and healthcare access for general operations, projects and programs, capital needs (brick and mortar, equipment purchases, etc.), and organization capacity building. Click here to learn more.
Grant applications are reviewed at Trustee meetings in October, January, April, and July
Essential Needs for Children & Programs for Seniors Grant Opportunities
Provided by: Carl C. Anderson Sr. and Marie Jo Anderson Charitable Foundation
Amount: $5,000 – $20,000
Eligibility: 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organizations serving New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas. Preference is given to nonprofits serving rural counties in all three states.
Description:Funds general operations or restricted funds for medical and dental care, therapy, counseling, and transportation.Click here to learn more.
Grant applications are reviewed monthly
Rural Health Care Outcomes Accelerator
Provider: American Heart Association
Free technical assistance and access to resources
Eligibility: Federally designated critical access hospitals, short-term acute care facilities, and rural hospitals located in Rural-Urban Commuting Area Codes (RUCA) indicating rural and isolated geographic locations (Codes 4-10 and 99).
Description: A three-year initiative designed to eliminate rural health disparities by helping hospitals and clinicians provide high-quality, evidence-based care. Click here to learn more.
Application Deadline: Rolling
The Meadows Foundation
Provider: The Meadows Foundation
Amount: $5,000 to $50,000
Eligibility: 501c3 nonprofits or public entities serving Texas, with 50% focused on the Dallas-Fort Worth area
Description: Supports health programs that offer a chance to rethink what can be accomplished with new knowledge and technology, ultimately leading to Texans living healthier lives. They invest in programs and initiatives that promote innovation in services and delivery and strengthen the ecosystem of care. Click here to learn more.
Applications are accepted on a rolling basis
Health Program Area Grant Opportunity
Provided by: Claude Worthington Benedum Foundation
Amount: The most common grant amount: $150,000
Eligibility: 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organizations serving West Virginia.
Description: Available funds improve healthcare delivery, strengthen public health infrastructure, and advance community-based health programs, particularly in the prevention and management of chronic diseases. It fosters partnerships between communities, businesses, and public agencies, providing support in technical assistance, program development, research, and policymaking.
Key interests include:
1. Improving access to affordable healthcare and preventive services to enhance the quality of life in West Virginia. | |
2. Supporting children’s access to healthcare and promoting their healthy development through child-focused public policies. | |
3. Addressing social determinants of health to improve community well-being. |
Click here to learn more.
Grant applications: Rolling deadline
Kansas Innovation Fund
Provider: Kansas Health Foundation
Amount: Up to $5,000
Eligibility: Kansas nonprofits that are a 501(c)(3) organization, government entities, or churches in Kansas–classified as tax-exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, and not a “supporting organization” described in Section 509(a)(3), and not a “private foundation” as defined in Section 509(a).
Description: Funds innovative ideas to address health and health equity, supporting a range of ideas from different sectors that address the underlying factors causing poor health outcomes and health disparities. Click here to learn more.
Mini-grant applications are accepted on a rolling basis
Agile Grant Program
Provider: Community Foundation of Greater Fort Wayne
Amount: Up to $20,000
Eligibility: Allen County Area, Indiana, nonprofit organizations
Description: Funds coordinated requests that address community concerns, optimize resource use, test new approaches, strengthen agency management, and promote citizen involvement. Click here to learn more.
Grant applications are accepted on a rolling basis
Healthy Lives – Strategic Initiative Grant
Provider: Rhode Island Foundation
Amount: The most common grant award is $10,000
Eligibility: Organizations with a 501(c)(3) IRS designation that aligns with our funding priorities and will consider grant applications from groups utilizing a fiscal sponsor.
Description: Funds align with the following strategies: improving equitable access, utilization, and quality of primary care and behavioral health care services, expanding alternative care models and collaborations to address the social determinants of health, promoting system reform to improve patient experience, health, reduce per capita costs, and address workforce needs. Click here to learn more.
Rolling deadline
Kansas Innovation Fund Mini-Grant
Provider: Kansas Health Foundation
Amount: $5,000
Eligibility: Organizations with a 501(c)(3) IRS designation that benefit the people of Kansas.
Description: Funds innovative ideas to address health and health equity, supporting a range of ideas from different sectors that address underlying factors causing poor health outcomes and health disparities. Click here to learn more.
Rolling deadline
Kentucky Immunization Registry (KYIR) Grants
Provider: Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky
Amount: $10,000
Eligibility: Immunization providers in Kentucky.
Description: Provide grants to immunization providers who wish to connect their Electronic Health Records (EHR) to KYIR via the Kentucky Health Information Exchange (KHIE). These funds may only be used to cover charges from the provider’s EHR and for the cost of staffing needed to complete the integration of data. Click here to learn more.
Applications are accepted until funds run out
The Norcliffe Foundation
Provider: The Norcliffe Foundation
Amount: $15,000 or less
Eligibility: 501(c)(3) nonprofit public charity organizations serving residents of Puget Sound counties: Island, Jefferson, King, Kitsap, Mason, Pierce, San Juan, Skagit, Snohomish, Thurston, and Whatcom in Washington State.
Description: Funds are provided for capital requests, program costs, operating expenses, capacity building, and endowment projects. Preference is given to requests that meet critical needs, employ innovative approaches, fill a unique niche in their community, and have a diverse funding base. Click here to learn more.
Applications are accepted on a rolling basis
Children’s Health Grant Opportunity
Provider: Topfer Family Foundation
Amount: The most common grant amount $10,000
Eligibility: 501(c)(3) nonprofit public charity organizations serving residents of greater Austin, Texas, and the greater Chicago, Illinois metropolitan areas.
Description: Funds provide access to critical healthcare for low-income children and those with chronic and terminal illnesses through compassionate care, medical treatment and intervention services. Click here to learn more.
Application Deadline: Rolling
Highmark Foundation Grant Opportunity
Provider: Highmark Foundation
Amount: The most common grant amount $50,000
Eligibility: 501(c)(3) nonprofit public charity organizations in one of 62 counties in Pennsylvania (with the exception of Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery, and Philadelphia counties) or the state of West Virginia.
Description: “Funds evidence-based programs” impacting multiple counties, that achieve replicable long-term models, and that attract collaborative funding by community partners. Click here to learn more.
Application Deadline: Rolling
Health Foundation for Western & Central New York
Provider: Health Foundation for Western & Central New York
Amount: The most common grant amount is $10,000.
Eligibility: 501(c)(3) nonprofit public charity organizations serving the counties of Western and Central New York.
Description: Funds projects aligned with the Health Foundation’s strategic plan and vision, and support one or more of three focus areas: older adults, children ages zero to five who are impacted by poverty, and community health capacity. Click here to learn more.
Applications are accepted on a rolling basis
Hearst Foundations
Provider: Hearst Foundations
Amount: Minimum grant size $100,000
Eligibility: 501(c)(3) – regional and national nonprofit public charity organizations operating with audited expenses of greater than $2 million.
Description: Funds hospitals and medical institutions in providing healthcare to high-need populations. They also fund programs to enhance skills and increase the number of healthcare professionals. Click here to learn more.
Applications are accepted on a rolling basis
Health Foundation of South Florida Access to Care Grants
Provider: Health Foundation of South Florida
Amount: Varies
Eligibility: 501c3 nonprofits that serve Broward, Miami-Dade, and/or Monroe counties in Florida
Description: Supports a multi-pronged strategy that addresses access to health care from a number of angles, including Increasing health care coverage; expanding the adoption of alternative delivery models, supporting the expansion of safety net clinics, and advocating for policies that increase access to health care. Click here to learn more.
Rolling- applicants are strongly encouraged to contact the foundation first before submitting
Red Sox Foundation
Provider: Red Sox Foundation
Amount: Up to $10,000
Eligibility: 501c3 nonprofits within Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Maine, Vermont, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Florida.
Description: To make a difference in the lives of children, veterans, families, and communities in need throughout New England by improving their health, educational, and recreational opportunities. Click here to learn more.
Rolling application
Vaccine Outreach and Event Grants
Provider: Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky
Amount: Varies
Eligibility: 501c3 nonprofits in Kentucky
Description: Funds projects throughout the state that educate minoritized communities about adult vaccine recommendations and/or provide an opportunity for people to receive these immunizations. Click here to learn more.
Applications are accepted until funds run out
Kirchgessner Vision Foundation
Provider: Kirchgessner Vision Foundation
Amount: $10,000 – $25,000
Eligibility: 501c3 nonprofits in the five-county region of Greater Los Angeles, California
Description: Supports projects, equipment, and operations for organizations actively engaged in the provision of services in the field of vision. Click here to learn more.
LOI accepted ongoing
Community-Based Services Program
Provided by: Polk Bros Foundation
Amount: $25,000 – $50,000
Eligibility: 501c3 organizations that operate in and serve Chicago.
Description: Supports programs that work with Chicagoans living on low incomes and at risk of poor health outcomes that focus on health promotion and risk reduction, increased access to care, and systems improvement and innovation. Click here to learn more.
Rolling deadlines, Board meetings quarterly
The Ahmanson Foundation
Provided by: The Ahmanson Foundation
Amount: Varies
Eligibility: 501c3 organizations based in and serving Los Angeles County, CA
Description: Supports one-time or short-term projects focused on health, medicine, and human services, including program vehicles. Click here to learn more.
Due Date: Accepts letters of inquiry throughout the year
Microsoft Tech for Social Impact
Provided by: Microsoft
Amount: Free and discounted technology products
Eligibility: 501c3 organizations within the United States
Description: Provides grants and discounts on cloud-based technology offers.
Due Date: Rolling – Complete online application
Partnership Grants
Provided by: The Michael and Susan Dell Foundation
Amount: Varies
Eligibility: 501c3 nonprofits in the United States
Description: Supports organizations focused on creating opportunities for children and families living in urban poverty by funding projects making an impact in education, health, and family economic stability. Click here to learn more.
Due Date: Rolling
Texas Health Community Giving
Provided by: Texas Health Resources
Amount: Varies
Eligibility: 501c3, 501c6, and 509a1 organizations in 16 Texas counties served.
Description: Supports programs and events that aim to improve access to healthcare services, advance medical or healthcare knowledge, or enhance the health and wellbeing of the communities served. Click here to learn more.
Due Date: Rolling
Healthcare Connect Fund Program
Provided by: Universal Service Administrative Co.
Amount: Varies
Eligibility: Public or nonprofit healthcare providers in rural locations
Description: Provides a 65% discount on eligible broadband connectivity expenses for eligible rural health care providers (HCPs). You can apply as an individual health care provider or as a consortium, i.e., a group of HCPs that can be both rural and non-rural. Click here to learn more.
Due Date: Rolling
Health Connect Innovation Grants
Provided by: Mid-Iowa Health Foundation
Amount: $1,000-$50,000
Eligibility: Nonprofit organizations in Central Iowa/Greater Des Moines
Description: Supports projects that are improved by communities most impacted, targets system changes, addresses at least one social determinant of health, and drives toward health equity. Click here to learn more.
Due Date: Quarterly deadlines; contact staff person before submission
Point32Health Grants
Provided by: Point32Health Foundation
Amount: Varies
Eligibility: Nonprofit organizations and community-led solutions in Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island.
Description: Funds initiatives that increase access to affordable, nutritious food, promote mental health, and advance healthy aging – prioritizing work that addresses systemic inequities. Click here to learn more.
Due Date: Schedule a call with a program office
Building Optimal Outcomes for Moms (BLOOM)
Provided by: US Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)
Amount: TBD
Eligibility: 501c3 nonprofit organizations, Native American tribal governments, and state, county, and municipal governments
Description: Supports community-based organizations (CBOs) to implement, sustain, or expand programs or policies addressing social and structural determinants of health (SSDOH) to improve maternal health and eliminate maternal health inequities. Click here to learn more.
Opportunity: A forecasted opportunity for 2025 funding
Carl C. Anderson Sr. & Marie Jo Anderson Foundation
Amount: $5,000 – $20,000
Eligibility: 501(c)(3) organizations in New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas (excluding Dallas and Houston). Preference is given to nonprofits serving rural counties in these three states.
Description: The Foundation funds organizations that provide services supporting the following program areas for low-income and vulnerable populations or individuals: Programs that provide basic and essential needs of children and youth; Programs that improve or enhance the quality of life for seniors; Programs that improve or enhance the quality of life for people with disabilities. Click here to learn more.
Due Date: Continuous
Alexander & Baldwin Kokua Giving Program
The Alexander & Baldwin Kokua Giving Program, a charitable contributions program funded by Alexander & Baldwin and its operating companies, provides support to nonprofit organizations in Hawaii with the aim of improving the quality of life. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to, health and human services, education, community, culture and the arts, and environmental and land stewardship. Support for startup, general operating, and special project needs as well as major and minor capital requests will be considered. Click here to learn more.
Application deadlines: February 1, April 1, June 1, August 1, October 1, and December 1, annually
(Applications for requests of $20,000 or greater should be submitted by February 1 or August 1.)
Google Ad Grant
If you’re a Federally Qualified Health Center or 501(c)(3) non profit, the Google Ad grant program offers up to $120,000 in annual funding towards your Google search advertising. Non profits are eligible for up to $10,000 in advertising grants in kind from Google Ads. This program has proven to be a game changers for many organizations. The ad grant allows organizations of all sizes find more patients, residents, donors, and so much more all while spreading the message of their cause! If you’re interested in reaching more of your community. Click here to learn more.
Understanding the Employee Retention Credit (ERC)
Look into the Employee Retention Credit (ERC) if you have not yet filed for it. There are many misguidances, specifically in the Healthcare space, that are deterring people from filing when they are in fact eligible for the ERC. For information